Denzil started with the City of Salmon in April of 2023. He was previously with the Lemhi County Sheriffs Office in the capacity of a detention and dispatch deputy. Denzil valued the incredible experience he had by working in law enforcement and values the strong family bonds he built with fellow officers and deputies.
The City Clerkâs Office is responsible for for all Police Department records and council-related services, including; records management, license issuance, and legal compliance with all codes and regulations, including State Statutes and Municipal Code. His goal is to facilitate the legislative process and promote public participation in municipal affairs.
The City Clerks role also includes projects that benefit the community members. City Clerk McKenzie is currently working on facilitating the creation of a local Crisis Intervention Team which will bring a support system to not only law enforcement but for all in the community. A Crisis Intervention team works by better understanding mental health disorders and assists those who are experiencing moments of crisis. This better helps law enforcement and community outreach programs work efficiently with each other. McKenzie is a strong advocate for brining awareness to mental health and domestic abuse.
Phone: (208)756-3214
Fax: (208)756-4840