Salmon Police Department 2004 - 2009

Officer Shawn Morphey & EMS Director Janet Taylor at the 2004 "Evening Out With Lemhi County Emergency Services".

Officer Garet Staley & Narcotic K9

"Tessa" searching for hidden narcotics during a demonstration.

Katie Smith cooking hot dogs, while Sarah Spain serves two members of Salmon Search & Rescue who participated in the 2004 "Evening Out With Lemhi County Emergency Services".

Officer Gary Sikes participateing in "Safety Week" by giving a talk to Salmon Area Day Care kids.

Officer Gary Sikes participateing in the 2004 "Safety Week". During this event members of the Salmon Police Department, the Salmon Fire Department, and the Lemhi County Sheriiffs Department gave talks to the kids of Salmon Day Care Centers, and allowed them to get an "up close" look at the vehicles used by the various departments.

Many community members visited the many displays of emergency service equipment, during the 2004 "Evening Out With Lemhi County Emergency Services".

The members of the Salmon Police Department: L-R Ofc. Kevin Cardin (No longer with department), Ofc. Shawn Morphey, Ofc. Garet Staley, Ofc. Sherm Dickens, Sgt. K. V. Felker, and Ofc.Gary Sikes.

Officer Garet Staley, with partner "Tessa".

Officer Gary Sikes with his patrol bike, which was one of two mountain bikes added to the departments inventory as the result of an Idaho Community Foundation Grant awarded to the Salmon Police Department.

Officer Kevin Cardin (No longer with department).
Photos of the Salmon Police Department - 2005

Sgt. KV Felker walking with the kids of Salmon Junior High School, during a fund raiser walk for 2005 Tsunami victims.

Sherm Dickens setting up DVD presentation, as Ofc. Gary Sikes prepares for Drug Awareness class, at the Salmon High School.

Ofc. Gary Sikes meeting students and parents, at 2005 ABC Task Force Drug Awareness class.

Sgt. K. V. Felker explaining the DUI testing machine to students at the 2005 ABC Task Force Drug Awareness Seminar.

Lemhi County Prosecutor, Bruce Withers, helping "welcome" students and parents at the 2005 ABC Task Force Drug Awareness seminar.

Officer Staley and SPD K9 "Tessa" meeting local "Day Care" children at the October - - 2005 "Safety Week". Emergency Service Officers from the Fire Department, Search and Rescue, Lemhi County Sherriff's Office, as well as Salmon Ambulance were in attendance!

Local Fire Fighter Shaun O'Reilly shows the kids at the 2005 - "Safety Week" - "Just how fast a fireman can climb into their call out gear!" Good Job Shaun!

November 2005 -- TASER Instructor Class at Idaho Fish & Game Classroom, in Salmon. Officers role playing a TASER senario, while Sgt. K. V. Felker is wearing the protective training suit.

Officer Gary Sikes, being promoted to the rank of Sergeant at City Council meeting.

Children of all ages were awe struck by the presentations of all the Emergency Service Officers present at the 2005 - "Safety Week".
Photos of the Salmon Police Department - 2006

Sergeant Gary Sikes speaks to the Salmon High School student body, at a DUI/Narcotic "Multi-Media" prevention presetation. The Idaho Transportation Department funded this first time event for our community, due to active involvement in Idahos yearly "Safe Driving" campaignes, by the Salmon Police Department and Lemhi County Sheriff's Department. Sergeant K. V. Felker and Sheriff Sam Slavin are pictured in the foreground. The faculty and student body proclaimed this presentation to, "be the best presentation of the year!".

The Salmon Police Department, in conjunction with all Lemhi County Emergency Service Organizations hosted an "Easte Egg Hunt" for the kids at the Lemhi Promise After-School Program. Over 500 eggs & candies were hidden all through Caveness Park and on the various Emergency Vehicles for the kids to find!

The "Multi-Media" presentation was geared around upbeat, current Hollywood film clips, coupled with Teen DUI/Alcohol Abuse/Drug Abuse, as well as "life & decisional skills" for teenagers -- "It had you on the edge of your seat!"

The police department in conjunction with the Idaho Department of Transportation obtained partial funding for a "speed monitor" wagon for the Salmon area. The radar unit was a grant purchase, and the City of Salmon provided funding for the police department to construct "their own version of what would be a $8-$10,000.00" piece of traffic safety equipment. The police department has approximately $1,000.00 of city funds invested!

Several happy faces greeted local Law Enforcement officers during the 2006 - ABC Task Force "Awareness Week" at the Salmon High School this year! The event, again, was a BIG SUCCESS!

The police department, in cooperation with the Salmon High School Drug Free coordinator used Byrne Grant monies to host "The Standards" to "kick-off" the 2006-7 school year. The singing group is world renown for their style "oldies", and couple their love of music with a "prevention message" to teens. The High School students felt it was one of the best school year start ups they have seen!

Sergeant K. V. Felker is seen explaining some of the breath alcohol testing equipment in use by Law Enforcement.

The Faith Based portion of the Byrne Grant, allowed Law Enforcement to coordinate with local denominations from various churches on a Salmon River Float Trip! The trip was overnight, plus two full days of adventure for the entire 6th grade class of the Salmon School District. The kids worked on team building exercises and got to interact with Law Enforcement mentors as well as Faith Based mentors on the trip.
Photos of the Salmon Police Department - 2007

Leah Jarnagin started on January 15th, 2007, as the Salmon Police Departments first certified female Police Officer. Leah has worked at the Lemhi County Probation Office for a number of years, and applied to both the Salmon Police Department and Balckfoot Police Department recently. Leah scored hgihly in the interview processes and had the distinct pleasure to be offered employment by each department. As Leah has strong community roots in Salmon, and wishes to continue to raise her family here, she accepted the position with our department. Leah will immeadiately start as the SRO Officer at our local schools, to fill in for the retiring Sgt. Sikes. All three School Principals, as well as the Salmon City Staff wish her a hearty, "Welcome aboard"! In the next year Leah will attend the Idaho Law Enforcement POST Academy to achieve the required Idaho Police Officer Ceritfication certificate.

2007 Annual - Joint Emergency Services Easter Egg Hunt, sponsored by the Salmon Police Department.

The Salmon police Department was the lead agency in a joint, Reserve Officer Class, together with the Lemhi Sheriff's Office. Reserve Officer Brian Beedie, and Reserve Deputy Jim Smith are shown here on graduation day in Boise. The Salmon Police Department was instrumental in the developement of a "Long Distance Learning" Reserve Police Academy - hosted by the Idaho POST Academy, and open to rural Idaho Law Enforcment Agencies in 2006. In 2008 this concept will again be utilized by rural agencies to train qualified "Citizen Officers" for rural departments across Idaho. Way to go Brian and Jim - Good job!
Photos of the Salmon Police Department - 2008

The First Annual Salmon Marathon, a qualifier for the Boston Marathon, went very smoothly in September of 2008. Almost 180 runners were signed up for the race - the Salmon Police Department, and all Emergency Service Branches worked together to promote a safe event for the public, as well as the runners! Community Service Officer Sherm Dickens is pictured allowing safe passage for two of the runners at Shoup and Daisy Street's.

Reserve Officer Dennis Krasowski directing a runner at Main and Daisy Streets to the "rest of the course!"

The recently formed Lemhi Sheriff's Office "Horse Posse" was a great asset to the City Police Department, by manning many intersections alone Main Street during the race. The horses gave a look of the old west to the many out of state visitors, who did not live in the Western United States. The Sheriff's Horse Posse is dedicated to perserving the heritage of Lemhi County, and they performed with distinction!

Sheriff Sam Slavin has demonstrated a strong desire for intra-Agency cooperation with all Law Enforcment Departments, as demonstrated by the Sheriff's Horse Posse at the recent Salmon Marathon Race - the Posse members were great asset's for crowd control and runner safety!
Photos of the Salmon Police Department - 2009

The 2009 "Hands On" Event at the local Junior High School Football field, brought out Police, Sheriff, Idaho State Police, EMS, Search and Rescue, Fire, Construction Workers, Farmers, City and County Road Crews - all with the desire to let our youth, "Have HANDS ON! Kids of all ages could explore, touch and see demo's of many types of specialized equipment used in daily life around Salmon!" Betsy Lamour and Geri Spain hosted the event the last two years as a fund raiser for the School PTO Program.

Local Contracters at the 2009 Hands On Event - pouring concrete.

Officer Dan Dalling of the Salmon PD - getting all dressed up to perform a Patrol K9 demo, with Sgt. Terry Stratton and K9 "Lieca".

Officer Dan Dalling - as SPD K9 "Lieca" performs as a Patrol K9 for the audience at this years 2009 Hands On function!

Idaho State Police Officer Duncan Hedges handing out badges at the 2009 Hands On Program.

Sgt. Terry Stratton giving Officer Dan Dalling a final briefing before the Patrol K9 demonstration at this years Hands On Program. "Dan, let's put your right arm towards the Patrol K9!"

Within minutes of the Patrol K9 demo, Sgt. Stratton allows "Lieca" to be petted by the audience! Sarah Spain tells her, "GREAT SHOW LIECA!". Sgt. Stratton has raised and trained "Lieca" since a puppy, she is one extradonary member of the Salmon Police Department. "Lieca" is trained in Patrol, Narcotics and Scent Search - as well as public relations!